Restaurant Chez Odette



Sample menu
Our menu changes very regularly, according to our tastes and the seasons

Brûles doigts

Cecina de Leon et pickles

Entrées (10 à 12€)

Thonine, nectarine, huile verveine/piment, poutargue

Coco de Paimpol en salade, groseille, tomate confite et lard de Colonata

Plats (21 à 25€)

Pressé de pot au feu, poireau vapeur, vinaigrette au bouillon de bœuf anchois fumé

Poulpe croustillant, salade de fenouil au citron confit, marmelade fenouil et oignon doux, condiment citron brulé

Focaccia, aubergine fumée, poivron confit, courgette marinée, crème de burrata


Assiette de fromage affinés, confit de fruit 10€

Desserts (8 à 10€)

Crème diplomate baie rose, sorbet abricot, feuilletage au sirop d’érable

Panna cotta miel/estragon, mirabelle rotie, streusel fruit sec

Accords vins 

3 verres du domaine 17€ / 4 verres du domaine 23€

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Our philosophy

"Chez Odette" is first and foremost a family home, belonging to Jean-Paul and Odette, Frédéric's parents. It wouldn't be a restaurant without Odette: it's in this place steeped in memories that for years she has been cooking up dishes during the harvest. It's her secret recipes that give the grape-pickers strength and courage before they head back into the vineyards. And it's thanks to these passionate people that we want to keep this house going.

This restaurant is all about family, friends, good food, laughter and good wine. In the kitchen, you'll find Charly, Odette's grandson, accompanied by Juliette, his partner in life and work. In the dining room, Annabelle welcomes you and accompanies you throughout your meal. 

Because we only work with fresh, seasonal produce and don't want to bore anyone (including ourselves!), our menu changes every week. We offer fresh, market-fresh cuisine, with something for everyone.

an exceptional cellar

Relax in the heart of the vineyard's garden, and let our team guide you through the best pairings. The wine list naturally includes all the wines from the Frédéric Mabileau vineyard. But we also offer some lovely bottles (organic, of course!) selected by Rémy.

contact - 06 50 89 75 68